Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Hmm. I believe that Lydia is winning the potty training game. She receives a piece of "potty candy" (sounds yummy, right?) if she has success in the bathroom. Unfortunately, she really doesn't care to move out of diapers, so even candy is not very rewarding for her. However, she has figured out a way to get her candy without having to put forth the effort of potty training. She lets her animals go to the potty for her. This morning she told me that Elmo had done his business and needed a piece of candy. I thought this was a cute way to encourage interest in the bathroom, so I agreed that Elmo deserved candy. When Elmo told Lydia he was too full to eat his candy, she decided she should help him get rid of it. Cute huh? Now all of her animals are using the potty for candy. Smart girl. Smart girl still in diapers! Gullible mother running out of candy.


The Turner's said...

Hilarious! She is really clever! I can't believe she came up with that!

The Carsons said...

Just getting caught up--that's hilarious! These kiddos sure do make me laugh!